Let's cooperate !

We invite you to become our partners!

  • Our company is constantly looking for new business partners.
  • We invite companies to join our circle of partners and expand their possibilities.
  • So, if you are in the plumbing sales or plumbing installation business, contact us.
  • We offer you high quality products, attractive prices and professional service!
  • We provide detailed information, product samples and catalogs.
We guarantee:
  1. You will receive free advertising catalogs and brochures.
  2. Upon your request, we will conduct a training seminar for your employees.
  3. We guarantee support at exhibitions (if you are a participant).
  4. Information about you is posted on the manufacturer’s website and on the websites of advertising portals.
  5. You get free shipping to your warehouse or store.

Contact us:

Sales manager
Linas Turčinskas
Phone: +370 69 13 17 16
Email mail:  sales@abaragroup.eu